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By Diane Lee, Public Information Officer, Garrett County Health Department

The Garrett County Health Department (GCHD) is hosting the second of two Trauma-Informed Care Town Hall meetings on May 17th from 6-7:30 p.m. at Northern Middle School. This meeting is open to the public. 

β€œYou may have heard that we should not ask β€˜What’s wrong with you?’” said Sadie Liller, Prevention Coordinator at GCHD and organizer of the Town Halls, β€œbut rather, β€˜What happened to you?’ This meeting will help us learn how to do just that.”

The first Town Hall was held in April at Southern Middle School, and brought together about 35 people to learn how to help those who have been affected by trauma. Trauma-informed care recognizes and responds to the signs, symptoms, and risks of trauma to better support the health needs of patients who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress.

Town Hall presenters will include:

  • Mary VanSickle, Mental Health Coordinator, Garrett County Public Schools, trauma-informed care.
  • Heather Hanline, Executive Director, Dove Center, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
  • Kristen Walker, Prevention Specialist, GCHD, Mind-Body Connection.
  • Andrew Bell, JBS International, stigma.

The Town Halls are provided by GCHD with funds from HRSA. For more information call the health department at 301-334-7730 or 301-895-3111.

Diane Lee

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