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Quit Now - Tobacco Cessation

Working together for a healthier tomorrow!
Chelsie Dever, MBA

Chelsie Dever, MBA

Director of Health Education

Phone: 301-334-7730
FAX: 301-334-7701
E-Mail: [email protected]

Hours of Operation:
Mon. - Fri. 8:00am – 5:00pm

Quit Tobacco

We can help, and it’s free!

Quit Now

✨ NEW! – Register for Quit Now tobacco cessation classes online!

Universal Cessation Flyer

Research shows involvement in a group increases the chances of success in quitting tobacco. “During our cessation classes we simply sit around the tables and participants talk about what’s working and what’s not during their journey to be tobacco free,” said instructor Alisha Martin.

Phone consultations are also available.

Any Garrett County resident can participate in ongoing classes offered at the health department and other community locations throughout the year. Each set of classes lasts 6 weeks with weekly meetings of approximately one hour. Vouchers are provided for the full cost of the nicotine patch, Zyban®, nicotine gum, and nicotine lozenges for interested participants. The vouchers can be redeemed at most county pharmacies.

Additional classes may be scheduled throughout the year. The location and times can be determined by community interest. For example, a class may be scheduled in a community if at least 6 persons are interested in taking the class. Persons are encouraged to call or e-mail us if they are interested in a class being conducted in their area of the county. Classes will be advertised through The Republican Newspaper, or check back here for updates.


For more information or to register for a class, contact  Alisha Martin at 301-334-7724 or [email protected].

Youth Tobacco Cessation

For youth who need assistance or education about quitting, the Tobacco Treatment Specialist will provide in-school education, as arranged through each school’s main office. Outside of school, the Tobacco Treatment Specialist will provide individual counseling to help motivate youth to cut down or quit nicotine in any form, including e-cigarettes.

For more information contact Alisha Martin at 301-334-7724 or [email protected].

Self-Help Materials

For the person who is thinking about quitting, but not yet ready for a class, health department staff will provide a packet of self-help materials.

Individual Cessation Counseling

If being a part of a group doesn’t work with your schedule or your learning style, individual counseling is available to help you quit smoking or to get away from nicotine. Provided in a series of six meetings, the individual counseling sessions are led by our Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist. For more information contact Alisha Martin at 301-334-7724 or [email protected].

Cessation Links:

Respiratory Illness Info

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