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What if your child wanders off? What do you do, who do you call? As children grow into toddlerhood, they oftentimes become more curious about their environment and they begin to assert their independence! Wandering off from secure locations can happen with any child, but it is more likely to occur if your is a toddler or if your child has been diagnosed with autism. Learn what quick action to take if you child wonders off!

For any questions on child safety, please call Early Care Programs at the Garrett County Health Department at 301-334-7720 or 301-895-3111.

Steps to Take

Preguntas? Llámenos al 301-334-7720 para servicios de traducción.
Accessibility assistance available at 301-334-7720.
Submitted by GCHD Early Care Programs

John Corbin (BS, CPT, MCPT, CSNC)

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