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By Diane Lee, Public Information Officer, Garrett County Health Department

In honor of Light’s On Afterschool, Partners After School (PAS) programs in Garrett County celebrated in different ways during the last week of October. PAS @ Oakland and Grantsville jointly participated in a fieldtrip to the Cove Run Farm Corn Maze. PAS @ Friendsville worked on a Tech Wizards project, using circuitry to light up the noses of scarecrows. The project was led by University of Maryland Extension of Garrett County. 

These were just two of thousands of events taking place across the nation to emphasize the importance of keeping the lights on and the doors open after school. The Lights On Afterschool celebrations draw attention to the need for more afterschool programs to serve the millions of children nationwide who are often unsupervised and at risk on weekday afternoons.

The three county PAS programs serve students from Southern Middle School, and Grantsville, Friendsville, Yough Glades, and Broadford elementary schools.

PAS provides programming for grades 3-5 in for the Friendsville Elementary School on Monday and Wednesday, and Grantsville Elementary School on Tuesday and Thursday. PAS @ Oakland meetings at Southern Middle School Monday through Thursday and provides programming for grades 3-5 from Yough Glades and Broadford elementary schools, and grades 6-8 from Southern Middle School.

Partners After School Programs are funded by the following sources: Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services; Garrett County Local Management Board; County United Way, Garrett County Department of Social Services, and the Maryland Department of Health. 

For more information about PAS programs call the Health Department at 301-334-7730.

Cutline: Partners After School @ Oakland and Grantsville took a fieldtrip to the Cove Run Farm Corn Maze. Pictured front row, left to right are Reed Shelley, Colton Durst, Brooklyn Smith, Marley Rumer, Emma Rollman, and Layla Rollman. In middle row, in animal heads, are Jack Carey, Gabby Wilburn, Ariana Yommer, Kyle Durst, Violet Walton, and to the right of the sign are Kourtney Burawa and Abiella Alexander. In back row are Brayden Lewis, Keetan McKenzie, Luke Seib, Jeffrey Landon, and Abby Beckman.

Diane Lee

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