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Just Like You! Campaign to Kick-Off in November

Oct 22, 2018 | Press Releases

Just Like You! is a campaign designed to remind parents, guardians, grandparents, teachers, coaches – all adults – the importance of positive role modeling for children and youth.

The Garrett County Health Department is promoting this campaign throughout the county hoping to teach children and youth the importance of taking care of their bodies by practicing healthy behaviors. Adult behaviors have a big impact on children, including healthy behaviors such as eating fruits and vegetable, brushing teeth, exercising, and buckling up in a vehicle, as well as unhealthy behaviors such as tobacco use, binge drinking, and other drug use.

“We all know that children are copy cats at every age and like to imitate adults,” said Linda Costello, coordinator of the campaign at the health department. “At times, children can receive mixed messages regarding tobacco, alcohol and other drug use. We need to be aware of what message our actions and words may be giving the child.”

Karen Stephens, a well know child development educator and author, said, “It’s easy to dispense don’ts to our kids: “Don’t smoke.” “Don’t drink and drive.” “Don’t do drugs.” “Don’t lie.” It takes much more effort and discipline to practice what we preach. It takes a strong character to give our kids a good role model to copy, because copy us they will.”

“We have to internally work to help mold children into vessels of health and wellness,” Costello said. “We all need to be aware that children watch what we do and say, and imitate us. Whether you are the parent, the bus driver, the teacher, the coach, the aunt, the babysitter, or the older sibling, we all need to be a good role model for the kind of adult we want these youngsters to become.”

“Watch and listen for the Just Like You Campaign in the newspaper, on the radio, digital monitors throughout the county, and Facebook.” said Costello. “Partner agencies will also be posting campaign materials on their websites and Facebook pages. Information will also be on the website, including games, pictures, videos, and printable.  Cats makes the website come to life for children while giving parents/guardians information to help keep the family healthy and well. What can you do? Watch for the information, pass it along to your friends, and frequent the website where taking a survey gives a chance for a gift card or other prize. We can all make a difference in the lives of the youngest residents of Garrett County.”

For more information about Just Like You,, or to be added to the distribution list for the campaign, call Health Education and Outreach at the Garrett County Health Department, 301-334-7730 or 301-895-3111.

By Diane Lee, Public Information Officer, Garrett County Health Department

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John Corbin (BS, CPT, MCPT, CSNC)

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