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Garrett County Food Network
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By Diane Lee, Public Information Officer, Garrett County Health Department

The Friendsville Community Watch is providing a series of FUN IN THE PARK activities for the entire community. The first event, held on June 18th, included rock painting, a trail walk, and volleyball. While participants enjoyed family time and getting exercise, they also received messages about how to protect youth from accessing alcohol and prescription medications. Pictured to the right are some of the participants during the first evening. FUN IN THE PARK will continue from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on May 25th with basketball, and June 1st with corn hole and a color run or walk. Additional prevention messages will be provided. Friendsville Community Watch is a Community Planning Group funded in part by the Garrett County Health Department to promote alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free events. For more information call the health department at 301-334-7730 or 301-895-3111.

John Corbin (BS, CPT, MCPT, CSNC)

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