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Garrett County Food Network

Communicable Disease Surveillance

Working together for a healthier tomorrow!
Jessica Carey, MSN Ed., CRNP

Jessica Carey, MSN Ed., CRNP

Director of Personal Health

E-Mail: [email protected]

Oakland Location:
1025 Memorial Drive
Oakland, MD 21550
Phone: 301-334-7770
FAX: 301-334-7771

Grantsville Location:
28 Hershberger Lane
Grantsville, MD 21536
Phone: 301-895-5355
FAX: 301-746-4216

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
New Extended hours until 5 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays!


This program works toward surveillance, investigation, and education regarding the spread and prevention of reportable communicable diseases.

For questions, contact:

Eric Cvetnick, RN, 301-334-7773

¿Prefieres español?

Elige español en la navegación.

Language Assistance

LanguageLine services are available.
Spanish (Medical Spanish) interpreter available in-person, upon request.

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