Health Equity
Working together for a healthier tomorrow!John Corbin (he/him/él), BS, CPT, MCPT, CSNC
Communications, Data Science, and Informatics Administrator | Public Information Officer | Health Equity / Minority Health Coordinator
E-Mail: [email protected]
Guiding Documents:
- Healthy People 2030
Training Opportunities From the Maryland State Department of Health:
- LGBTQIA+ Provider and Community Training Opportunities via the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and The Trevor Project:
- Ally Training (FREE!)
- CARE (Connect, Accept, Respond, Empower) Training (FREE!)
Additional Resources:
- Dr. Camara Jones, Race and Racism
- Chimamanda Adichie, The Danger of a Single Story
These resources were curated based on educational sources provided by the University of California, Berkeley.
Health Equity and Minority Health*
Driven by data and informed by Garrett County stakeholders.
* The term marginalized is utilized as a better descriptor of the current state of inequities (formerly described as disparities) within health outcomes and social determinants of health that are the result of structural systems rather than those that are a reflection of the population impacted.
Poverty & Public Health
Explore an overview of poverty as a key social determinant of health and driver of health outcomes.
Garrett County Diversity & Inclusion Report (2024)
Garrett County’s landmark report on diversity and inclusion details both quantitative and qualitative data regarding specific questions about community experiences.
Representatives from the Health Department participated as data collection partners and via multiple sessions during the development of the plan to provide feedback and evidence-based findings from prior work.
2025 - 2027 Garrett County Community Health Assessment (In Progress)
Explore and/or participate in the current Community Health Assessment process.
2022 - 2024 Garrett County Community Health Assessment
COVID-19 era report with continued documentation of inequities along with supporting data.
2021 - 2024 Garrett County Health Inequities Analysis
The first Garrett County Health Inequities Analysis, which set the stage for future work and methods to address inequities.
2019 - 2021 Garrett County Community Health Assessment
The source document for Garrett County’s Health Inequities Analysis and first report detailing structural inequities and underlying disparities (inequities) resulting from current systems and policies.
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Language Assistance
LanguageLine services are available.
Spanish (Medical Spanish) interpreter available in-person, upon request.