By Diane Lee, Public Information Officer, Garrett County Health Department
After weeks of enduring frigid temperatures and snow, enjoying a warm and sunny day seems like a great opportunity to get out and take in some vitamin D. However, while we enjoy the early spring-like weather, ticks are eagerly in search of their next blood meal. Even in the middle of winter, if temperatures rise above freezing, ticks can become active and hunt for a host.
In Garrett County, you are most likely to encounter the Black Legged Tick, the American Dog Tick, and the Lonestar Tick. These species are known to transmit a number of diseases including Lyme disease, Powassan virus, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and more.
The Garrett County Health Department (GCHD) has conducted tick surveillance throughout the county since 2019. Results from 2019 and 2020 assessments show an increase in the number of ticks carrying the pathogen known to cause Lyme disease. An update with results from 2021 will be released soon. The Health Department will continue efforts this year to track tick population densities and pathogen prevalence.
With the number of pathogen-positive ticks increasing, it is important to protect yourself and your pets, not only in the summer months but all year long. Talk to your vet about their preferred tick prevention treatment. This will reduce the risk of your pets being diagnosed with a tick-borne disease, as well as help prevent your family from coming into contact with a tick inside your home.
For more information on ticks and tick prevention, visit A submission form for tick identification is also available at this location. Ticks submitted to GCHD cannot be tested for pathogens but will be counted towards data collection for Garrett County.
If you have questions about an insect bite or symptoms, talk to your primary care provider.
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